Earl Bockenfeld's Radio Weblog : America's real drug problem, is called television. --Greg Palast
Updated: 2/2/2006; 2:09:33 AM.


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Comments by: YACCS

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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Bush Is Worst Than The Old Nixon

Historian Rick Perlstein, who is writing a sequel to his Before the Storm focusing on the Nixon years, passed this on:

Hunter S. Thompson, in the October 10, 1974 Rolling Stone: "But the climate of those years was so grim that half the Washington press corps spent more time worrying about having their telephones tapped than they did about risking the wrath of Haldeman, Ehrlichman, and Colson by poking at the weak semas of a Mafia-style administration that began cannibalizing the whole government just as soon as it came into power. Nixon's capos were never subtle; they swaggered into Washington like a conquering army, and the climate of fear they engendered apparently neutralized The New York Times along with all the other pockets of potential resistance. Nixon had to do everything but fall on his own sword before anybody in the Washingotn socio-political establishment was willing to take him on."

Fear and Loathing; Campaign 2004

Richard Nixon looks like a flaming liberal today, compared to a golem like George Bush.

If Nixon were running for president today, he would be seen as a "liberal" candidate, and he would probably win. He was a crook and a bungler, but what the hell? Nixon was a barrel of laughs compared to this gang of thugs from the Halliburton petroleum organization who are running the White House today -- and who will be running it this time next year, if we (the once-proud, once-loved and widely respected "American people") don't rise up like wounded warriors and whack those lying petroleum pimps out of the White House on November 2nd.

"There are a hundred or more people wandering around Washington today who have heard the 'real stuff,' as they put it - and despite their professional caution when the obvious question arises, there is one reaction they all feel free to agree on: that nobody who felt shocked, depressed or angry after reading the edited White House transcripts should ever be allowed to hear the actual tapes, except under heavy sedation or locked in the trunk of a car. Only a terminal cynic, they say, can listen for any length of time to the real stuff without feeling a compulsion to do something like drive down to the White House and throw a bag of live rats over the fence."
- Hunter S. Thompson, 04 July 1973

Hunter S. Thompson had a way with words.

All of the scurrilous things said about Nixon are true, but Bush is still far worse and much more dangerous.  

Nixon would have never had the gall to get up and say have committed felonies, I am the president, and there is nothing you can do about it.  Bush did that, and doesn't really care what the response is.  

Bush cackled about the upcoming execution of Karla Fay Tucker as if this death were an amusement for his delight.  Nixon at least had enough conscience and awareness to show some decorum.

Nixon may have run around the Constitution, but he did not overtly try to destroy it.  He did not attempt to change our form of government into a dictatorship or theocracy.  Nixon did admire Barbara Bush though, "He never knew anyone who could hate so deeply or so well."

The media was not as quiescent as Thompson makes out, and it was certainly not as muzzled as today.

I would rather deal with a Nixon than Bush43. 

categories: Outrages
Other Stories according to Google: BBC ON THIS DAY | 8 | 1974: The scandal that rocked America | BBC ON THIS DAY | 8 | 1974: The scandal that rocked America | FindLaw's Writ - Dean: The Bush Administration Adopts a Worse - than | Hugh Hewitt | Salon.com News | The scandal sheet | The Still Bad New Old Nixon | Ex- Nixon Aide John Dean Tells Bill Moyers that Bush Should Be | Wacky video Wednesday - Bloggermann - MSNBC.com | Stephen Spruiell on George W. Bush , the Media & Watergate on | Creepier than Nixon - Independent Media TV

10:43:12 PM    

Cheney Strongly Supports Illegal Spying

My favorite quote:
Vice President Dick Cheney on Wednesday strongly defended a secret domestic eavesdropping operation and said that had it been in place before the September 11 attacks the Pentagon might have been spared.

If we'd been able to see that three airliners were making huge U-turns on the morning of 9-11, we might have been able to save the Pentagon and one of the towers of the WTC, but conveniently we missed that little de-tail.

Which begs the question: Just where has all the trillions of dollars we've poured into that rathole called the defense budget for the last fifty years gone? Do all we have to show for it is a destroyed office complex, 3000 dead people, and Tang?

NSA eavesdropping began prior to 9/11. Cheney is such a liar!

See this article from Slate: "A former telecom executive told us that efforts to obtain call details go back to early 2001, predating the 9/11 attacks and the president's now celebrated secret executive order. The source, who asked not to be identified so as not to out his former company, reports that the NSA approached U.S. carriers and asked for their cooperation in a "data-mining" operation, which might eventually cull "millions" of individual calls and e-mails."

So, if the Slate article is correct and NSA data-mining began prior to 9/11, it didn't prevent 9/11. We won't go into the fact that Bush ignored pre-9/11 warnings as well.

More sillyness of Cheney's 9/11 statement is this:

If BushCo totally ignored a PDB that was TITLED[!] "Bin Laden Determined to Attack the USA", why in the holy hell does he think a shift supervisor at NSA would get their attention by saying, "I think I may have found something suspicious in one of the 500 + wire taps." ?

Cheney strongly supports illegal spying

But putting that aside, Cheney is right. Had we dumped our democracy and 200 years of history and adopted a Soviet-style communist police state and jailed every Muslim in America (including US citizens) prior to 9/11 we might have been spared the attacks as well.

And your point would be that dictatorships are better than democracies?

Repeat this over and over to all of your wingnut associates: Why do Republicans hate America?

Won't it be great when Hillary Clinton has this kind of power?

categories: Outrages
Other Stories according to Google: BushCo | Independent Media Center of Philadelphia | More Insights into the | Stanley Hilton Lawsuit - 9/11Review | Think Progress » Cheney : Warrentless Wiretapping ‘Might Have Led | December 18 Week In Review | firedoglake: 12/01/2005 - 12/31/2005 | AxisofLogic/ Civil Rights/Human Rights | Newswire | UK Indymedia - Stunning Insights into Bush's lies about illegal | TPMCafe || Do The Dems Have The Stomach For This?

9:12:12 PM    

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