Earl Bockenfeld's Radio Weblog : America's real drug problem, is called television. --Greg Palast
Updated: 8/1/2006; 11:06:40 AM.


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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Posting For Peace

Please take a moment on this July 4th to remember the fallen and their families

Iraq Coalition Casualty Count

Iraq Coaliton Casualties
U.S. Deaths Confirmed By The DoD: 2531
Reported U.S. Deaths Pending DoD Confirmation: 5
Total: 2536
DoD Confirmation List
Latest Coalition Fatality: July 01, 2006

Operation Enduring Freedom Afghanistan
Total: 399

Three years of war and occupation have failed to bring stability, freedom or sovereignty to Iraq. Instead, they have brought violence, poverty and despair. U.S. policy needs to support Iraqi civil society to rebuild Iraq and support civil society and political, not military, solutions to the conflict.

While Congress has not reflected the views of the U.S. pro-peace majority, the public debate on television, radio, newspapers, and the internet shows that many see our views as common sense. In the past few months, more and more people have been talking publicly about how political, not military, solutions will get Iraq out of crisis. Even military personel such as George Casey, the U.S. Army general in command of coalition troops in Iraq, are acknowledging the need to withdraw from Iraq.

It's clear that we're winning over public opinion and, with continued pressure, we will end this war.

Wage Peace Movie, Three-minute movie about the human cost of war


HELP, This Country Is Headed In The Wrong Direction

If you're looking for a "simple, cheap and effective" way to alert people to the possible infringement of personal liberties this Fourth of July, just fly the Stars and Stripes upside down, a gun rights organization says.

Though some veterans' organizations are far from embracing the idea, Aaron Zelman, president of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO), said flying Old Glory upside-down, a traditional signal of distress, is not "disrespectful," but a way of showing "love for your country."

"If you really want to save freedom," he said, "then you embrace the concept of flying the flag upside-down to get other people's attention so they, too, will understand the threat we're faced with and embrace freedom."

Zelman said if people are going to complain about a possible police state coming or the government invading their privacy, "then they have got to get with the program."
"It's almost like termites affect the foundation of our house," Zelman said. "You don't see it going on until there's a collapse."

If you don't think our Goverance doesn't deserve a "Distress Call" then consider this - the U.S. Congress and cynical pundits and political operatives in Washington are polluting our country's political discourse with a debate over flag burning at the very same time that:

- The American Journal of Public Health reports more than 1,700 African Americans die each week because they don't have the same access to health care as other Americans.

- The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports 110 workers die each week in workplace fatalities - many of which could be prevented by better enforcement of basic workplace laws by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (which is being gutted by budget cuts).

- The Pentagon reports roughly 15 American soldiers die each week in Iraq.

- The Institute of Medicine reports 346 Americans die each week because they lack health insurance.

- The Environmental Working Group reports that 192 Americans die each week because of exposure to asbestos.

These are tiny snippets in a blood-stained river of similar facts - facts that are similarly ignored by America's political Establishment. But quiet dismissal of life and death is one thing - openly substituting a discussion of life and death with a made-for-television spectacle about a fabricated "controversy" is altogether different.

Our founding fathers would be ashamed.
Our country's historical icons who fought to make this country great would be appalled. My own ancestors - who risked their lives to free themselves from tyranny, get to this country and help build it through public service - they would be disgusted. And the next generation will rightly look upon this day - and this era - as a humiliating cautionary tale in the history of a country that allowed the worst forms of greed and self-indulgence from the most vile political opportunists in both parties to imperil the very foundation this nation was built upon. They will wonder how we, the people, didn't all scream at Congress from the top of our lungs: "How dare you?"

Glenda in the Land of Oz from has come up with a wonderful idea for this year's Independance Day celebration. Visit the other blogs that are also posting on peace and an end to this war.

Enigma4ever - Watergate Summer
Sumo - Summo Merriment
Beth - Here I Am
James - Genius Of Insanity
Betmo - Life's Jouney
Celtic Fire - celticfire
Weezielou - weezielou
Divajood - Journeys With Jood
Michael Bains - Silly Humans
Peacechick Mary - Knock Knock
BZ - Intrepid Flame

JM - John's Blog
Mary - Get Your Own
Dizzy Dezzi - I'm Jus' A Lil' Dizzy!
Time - Time
The Poetryman - Poetic Justice
Pissed Off Patricia - Morning Martini
Neil Shakespeare
Sarah - An American Aries
Charlie - Highland Dreams
Lorraine - Here's The Thing
Snave - Various Miseries
Libby - The Impolitic
Lew Scannon - Unbrainwashed
Ron Nasty - The Nasty Page
Diane S. - A Stone, A Leaf, An Unfound Door...
Grish - The Weekly View
Ann - The Tulgey Wood
A Rose Is A Rose - Ravings Of A Semi-Sane Madwoman
Changeseeker - Why Am I Not Surprised?
Kvatch - Blognonymous
Cali - Nite Swimming
Dusty - It's My Right To Be Left Of Center
Steve O. - Naked Politics
John Good - Left In Aboite
Tabor - One Day At A Time
Angie - Ang's Weird Ideas
Donnie McDaniel - The Katrinacrat Blog
Glenda - Glenda In The Land Of Oz
Elizabeth Branford - The Blue Republic

Glenda - Lose The Noose
Elizabeth Branford - Consider The Boot
Stella - Swiftspeech

Visit these sites and see their "Post For Peace" and about celebrating the Fourth of July.

categories: Outrages
Other Stories according to Google: •UNIFEM - A Portal on Women, Peace&Security• | Report of the SG on Africa | FI: Why Are Women Left Out of the Peace Process? | Sudanese, Rebels Sign Peace Plan For Darfur | India, Pakistan peace boosting narcotics trade: UN | In 2003, US Spurned Iran's Offer of Dialogue | Pierzynski and Barrett Make Peace , Then White Sox Take Piece of Cubs | The Soccer Wars | UNACCOMPANIED POSTING PEACE SUPPORT DUTIES | About - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

12:55:41 AM    

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8.TomPaine.com - Proof Bush Fixed The Facts
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