Updated: 01/09/2003; 1:01:14 PM.
Robert Paterson's Radio Weblog
What is really going on beneath the surface? What is the nature of the bifurcation that is unfolding? That's what interests me.

Sunday, August 24, 2003

"Information is power, but it's not enough. Modern emperors have learned the knack of spinning revelations of wrongdoing and bouncing back. Thus far, the Internet has lacked the follow-through necessary to make a lasting difference. That's changing. As the Internet matures as a place for political action, services like the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Action Center (punch in your ZIP and e-mail your lawmaker), MeetUp's coordinated nationwide kaffeeklatsches for every Democratic candidate (but especially Howard Dean) and MoveOn's thronged mailing list millions (who can conjure the budget for a major media-buy on 24 hours' notice) are providing the bodies, budget and means for advancing proposals and seeing them through to their ends.

This new form of net-activism heralds a change in direction. In the beginning, net.wisdom held that netheads should remain aloof from politics, first to keep from sullying themselves, but more important because the net was immune to regulation, due to its radical, decentralized nature. Traditional, horse-trading Beltway politics had no place online. But as regulators turned their eyes netwards, proposing laws like the Communications Decency Act -- a broad and probably unconstitutional censorship bill that would have "protected" adults and kids alike from "indecent" material -- the Internet got politicized. The fights to keep the Internet open and free are crucial; the Internet can't serve as a conduit for independent analysis if it's being regulated by those it calls to task."

Thanks to Instapundit who linked to Cory Doctorow

My hope is that blogging will make a difference here on PEI

12:22:41 PM    comment []

Fourteen out of Fourteen?.
Reader-Submitted: Bush "Pioneer" Causes Blackout. The President of the Ohio company that caused this week's massive power failure is a major Republican donor, a Bush "pioneer," and also a member of Bush's transition energy team. Coincidence? [Morons Dot Org]

Always follow the money. Favoring corporations to the detriment of citizens is number 9 on the list of 14 common threads found in fascist governments. The article certainly makes for interesting reading and a nice jump-off point for a discussion of the current state of politics in the US [grin]. [A Man with a Ph.D. - Richard Gayle's Weblog]

Richard has found a great link - Thank God I live in Canada!

12:10:39 PM    comment []

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