Most Serial Killers Start As Animal Abusers. Another reason to prevent animal abuse. Most serial murderers practice on animals first. In the past, courts have been lenient on animal abusers, with judges suspending sentences or dispensing with sentencing. But now, with statistics that verify the link between animal abuse and murderers, both the "Humane Society and criminal justice system are stepping up efforts not only to make animal cruelty laws tougher but also to pay closer attention to cases of animal abuse because they may be indicators of violence in the home..."
Animal cruelty bill revived US. The animal cruelty bill proposal was revised by the House to give a judge more discretion over deciding whether a juvenile convicted of torturing an animal should receive psychological counseling ...
Bowlingual for dogs and now...cats
"A Cornell University evolutionary psychology study, analyzing people's reactions to feline vocalizations shows that cats know how to get what they want. Psychologist, Nicholas Nicastro says that whilst cats do not posess language, through the evolution of the sounds they emit, they have become very skilled at managing humans to get what they want... "
[Our dog is more like a cat in his vocalizations. He's quite the talker and he prefers not to bark. He makes soft cooing noises and it almost seems as if he's trying to talk, but his doggie form won't allow him to. He has a definite aversion to barking... it's like living with Harpo Marx in doggie being sometimes. He will paw, point, gesture and make faces and then whine in a soft cadence to get our attention...]
Dog cruelty a growing phenomena. Well, today, it seems, most of the news headlines highlight the cruel nature of humans. Why are people so cruel to animals. What is it in society that makes people unfeeling and callous to even their pets...
Woman charged with animal cruelty. Daytona Beach (two dogs in abominable conditions)
Thousands of animal remains found. MSNBC (a graveyard of 2,000 greyhounds)
It's inhumane to dump off unwanted animals. Sidney Herald ... a reminder of the Humane Society's motto: 'It your pet's world too. Think about it."
Raided Kennel's animals in horrible conditions San Diego (small breed dogs)
Animals From Raid Not Available For Adoption. San Diego (dogs too ill and legal actions pending)
Camano couple pleads innocent to animal mistreatment. Seattle (75 collies)