Another reason to get involved in helping dog rescue organizations:
Man arrested for killing dog with drop-kick punt TN [CNEWS]
Spring - the season for Tick bites MO [KYTV] (To prevent ticks and fleas during Spring season, I double up on tick and flea prevention for my dogs; in combination with their monthly Frontline, I use my vet's recommended special Tick/flea collars).
Adopt Mikey, the sweetest chow chow, ... MD We will have Mikey in a foster home in Maryland by the end of the week. Here's your chance to get the best dog in the world. Mikey is a gorgeous, happy, playful, quiet chow chow. I spent a day with him and never heard him bark once. My groomer had him playing with her little terrier, a rat-sized barky dog. She thought he was a 'one in a million' dog because 'his temperment is so docile and sweet. He let me trim his nails, cut his mats out and smiled while I did it...'
If you are interested, please write me
, so I can arrange a visit for you... We want the perfect home for the perfect dog. Chows need play time with people and pets and more grooming than the average dog.
Please call Anna Maria at 301 868 0146 in Clinton, Maryland, if you can help adopt, foster or donate to find Tamera a home...