Man sent to jail for deadly row over dog poop UK 'A 59-year-old man was sentenced to five years in prison by a court in southwest England for stabbing another man to death after a row over dog droppings...' [Yahoo News]
I subscribed to Peter Scott's Library Blog. You'd think that a library resource would make for dull reading, but I got the shock of my life when I went looking for articles at the newly opened Sage Publications, which has opened its shelves to unlimited viewing ( September 1 through October 31, 2004) to readers:
Jeremy Wright and Christopher Hensley
From Animal Cruelty to Serial Murder: Applying the Graduation Hypothesis
Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol, Feb 2003; 47: 71 - 88.
Johannes N. Schilder, Marco J. de Vries, Karl Goodkin, and Mike Antoni
Psychological Changes Preceding Spontaneous Remission of Cancer
Clinical Case Studies, Oct 2004; 3: 288 - 312.
George B. Palermo
Murderous Parents
Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol, Apr 2002; 46: 123 - 143.
I want to read The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time by Mark Haddon after I read what DJ Adams said about it:
'It is about a young boy with an "emotionally dissociated mind" ... who is investigating the death of a dog. The book is written as if by the young boy. The writing is exquisite...' [DJ's weblog]

Dog food: Does 'organic' labeling mean anything? Last week, when I order some Kumpi dog food, Evy Serpa, the company founder, told me that she had doubts about the efficacy of the label 'organic' in foods. After all, she reasoned, in an imperfect world, you can't be certain that an 'organic' food source is any less contaminated than a food source that isn't labled 'organic. You do the best you can:
'This is an area in which the government is struggling to establish uniform standards in. You might be surprised to learn that many “certified organic” foods still contain “acceptable” levels of pesticides and chemicals. “Naturally raised” animals may still be fed non-organic feeds or be given “acceptable” drugs or hormones. ' [E. Serpa]
MetaFilter reaches the conclusion As a cut of meat, you are inedible [ie, toxic] Even human food sources are contaminated. As a food source, humans would be unacceptable for dog food because of the high degree of toxic compounds found in the human body. This stunning, but not unpredictable news, comes from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York