Ready for your radio-frequency pet ID chip with GPS? MN Rabies scare prompts French to impose pet microchip law:
Digital Angel ... announced today that its European distribution partner, Merial, has ordered more than 50,000 of the Company's proprietary implantable RFID (radiofrequency identification) microchips for pets in response to a surge in demand due to a recent rabies incident in the Bordeaux region of France. [Press Release, Yahoo Biz News]
Maybe Digital Angel can create another product like the Radio-frequency Pet ID chip (RFID) as a partial answer to Dave Winer's quest for a better GPS system for coalition troops in Iraq.
Digital Angel's 'products include identification and monitoring of pets, fish and livestock through its patented implantable microchips; location tracking and message monitoring of vehicles and aircraft in remote locations through systems that integrate GPS and geosynchronous satellite communications; and monitoring of asset conditions such as temperature and movement, through advanced miniature sensors...'
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