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Electronic Freedom Foundation



  Monday, November 10, 2003

"I am a Marxist--of the Groucho tendency." 

Anonymous. [Quotes of the Day]

9:12:18 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

or see also this CNet piece, Offshoring and Beyond, on a McKinsey report suggesting that there's even more--way more--money to be saved by leveraging the wage/capital equipment differential in other countries. In simple terms, it goes like this: in the U.S., high wages make it practical to invest heavily in capital equipment that reduces labor costs. In low-wage countries, companies can spend less on capital equipment and more on labor, still saving money. Fascinating, even chilling, reading.
8:40:08 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

If you didn't catch Sunday's and today's San Jose Mercury News articles on offshoring, take a look before they disappear behind the archival wall. Today's piece, Caught in the pull of globalization, leads off with the story of a tech writer who lost her job to offshoring, and is taking the activist/union approach to dealing with it. See also the editorial, More jobs -- bound for India, which quite reasonably concludes that protectionism is not the way, but a national policy encouraging education and technological infrastructure is.

Also take a peak, before it goes away, at the job posted on the Silicon Valley STC job board by Synergy Personnel (an agency) for a Technical Publications Manager to train a team in India. It reads:

SIGN OF THE TIMES Our client is looking for an experienced techncial publications manager willing to move to Bangalore, India for a one-year contract. Ideally, someone with at least 8-10 years mgt. experience. The role is as follows: * Recruit--grow the group from 3 writers to 15 or more writers over the next year * Train new writers--train new writers hired * Coach existing writers--provide ongoing writing coaching/mentoring for existing writers * Lessen the dependency on the Cupertino-based writing group * Support the existing Bangalore-based doc manager * Identify infrastructure, communication, etc. issues impacting Bangalore-based writers' productivity, effectiveness * Possibly educate developers about how to work with writers This person will probably be in Cupertino for 1 month or so for training/indoctrination before going to India and will continue to get a high level of support during the year. Our client will entertain moving a spouse as well as help the person get set up. There will be a certain level of reimbursement to the potental candidate for some expenses, especially airline flights, visa paperwork, shots, possibly some living expenses).

We've taken a lot of flack for even posting the job, but hey, it's a job, someone's going to apply for it and get it. Why not an unemployed tech pubs manager from Silicon Valley?

8:22:05 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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