Sunday, November 30, 2003
Behind the Indian outsourcing craze. The co-founder and chairman of one of Indiaís premier technology companies explains why the nature of global outsourcing is forcing IT change. [CNET News.com - Front Door]
Of interest: Murthy acknowledges that you can't just blindly send everything offshore--some of the work must stay close to the client. So that's the kind of work that we need to focus on: defining requirements, consulting, installation and training. . . he doesn't mention documentation, but one could argue that's essential to the installation and training end of things. Or is that just wishful thinking?
12:29:56 PM
OK, I finished reading the final book of Lord of the Rings: Return of the King--at least as much of it as I can handle. Since I understand that "Scouring the Shire" isn't included in the movie, I pretty much stopped there, and will admit to skimming much of the rest of the book. As previously mentioned, I find Tolkien pretty difficult to read, but wanted to at least browse the book before ROTK comes out December 17. From the previews it looks to be a pretty good flick.
12:05:26 PM
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