Thursday, April 1, 2004
There are many geeky toys and PC hardware goodies revealed in the various blogs I browse; many of them come from ThinkGeek.
I manage to ignore most of them as vaguely interesting or entertaining,
but not really worth notice or purchase. This is an exception:
EZBake Oven for your PC.
April 1: ThinkGeek adds an EZ-Bake oven that fits into a standard 5.25" drive-bay on your tower PC. Link (via DiveIntoMark) [Boing Boing]
Mind you, I don't need one, I'm not going to buy one, but it's just too
fun to not spend a minute remarking on. Imagine, if you still have a
drive bay crying out to be filled, here's the answer. You can even
install it just below that cup holder. . .
(Yes, note the date. . . it's one of those.)
10:04:46 AM
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