Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Via Beth at IDBlog, via Peter Merholz, via Caterina:
The fifth sentence....
Far be it for me to pass up a meme. Grab the nearest book. Open the
book to page 23. Find the fifth sentence. Post the text of the sentence
in your journal along with these instructions. [IDblog]
OK, I'll play:
"Andy Gage's father . . . So when you talk about your father, you don't mean Silas Gage, and you don't mean Horace Rollins, you mean another personality."
from Matt Ruff's Set This House in Order, which I'm taking on the plane with me to Vienna.
2:32:01 PM
Ooooh, yeh, gotta have one of these hanging counterweight trebuchets, yes indeedy! Put it on my birthday list!
Functional replica siege engines. Kaden
hand-builds and sells these functional mantelpiece/desktop replicas of
medieval siege engines, which he calls "antiques from a parallel
universe." I'm partial to the ballista.
(Thanks, Kaden!)
[Boing Boing]
11:23:59 AM
Vienna becomes Nerdistan for a Week. I'm going to Vienna this Thursday for CHI 2004... [Brightly Colored Food]
I leave Friday, arriving in Vienna Saturday, which leaves a couple of
days for walking around town before the technical program starts. Don't
expect any blogging next week.
11:10:37 AM
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