Fred Sampson's Radio Weblog
a card-carrying member of the reality-based community—
"give me a better idiot"


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  Saturday, April 8, 2006

One silly little TLA (three-letter acronym) with so many meanings:
It's that last one, the mini-stroke TIA, that nailed me last Sunday. A sudden, intense headache on one side, profuse perspiration, double-vision, numbness on the left side, a trip to ER. CT scan, two MRIs, heart and carotid ultrasounds. Two days in the hospital and they sent me home. One day back at work, another trip to ER, home again, back to the ER, home again. The latest doctors' opinions say that if the symptoms last more than 24 hours, it's no longer "transient" and counts as a stroke. And the symptoms will go away, slowly, and I will get better, with time. Meanwhile, I have doctor's orders to not work for 10 days, some new medication, and even more incentive to reduce the stress in my life.

So, while I can talk and type, I'll be doing less of that for awhile. And I have unsubscribed from a few RSS feeds, the ones that bring me news and opinions that piss me off and cause more stress. And dropping a project or two, the ones I don't feel good about. And I'm going to learn how to tell myself the same thing I tell my daughters every night before bed, to help them avoid bad dreams: "Warm-fuzzy-rainbow-unicorns."

What can you do? Warm-fuzzy-rainbow-unicorns.

12:59:33 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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Last update: 5/3/06; 12:00:37 PM.

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