Fred Sampson's Radio Weblog
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  Sunday, November 12, 2006

Missed a few things during the blogging hiatus, including Ezra Pound's birthday on October 30, and the 31st anniversary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald, November 10.

7:49:01 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

I'm back to blogging, at least somewhat. But I'm not going to feel quite so committed to regular posts. It became too stressful, so I'm training myself not to feel responsible for reporting or commenting on every little thing. There's no way I can track all the good stuff out there and still maintain some sanity, not to mention spend time with the family and keep up with work. So there.

7:05:27 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

That would be WUD = World Usability Day, this Tuesday, November 14. If you're not participating in some form of usability event that day, for shame.

One of the lead instigators of WUD 2005, Keith Instone, is also a fellow IBMer who proudly highlights appearances of IBM authors, and slips in a WUD plug as well:

Jim Lewis (a usability practitioner with IBM for over 20 years - here are some of his publications) has an article on Sample Sizes for Usability Tests in the November-December 2006 issue of . His article is part of the special edition on "Waits & Measures" (aka "measuring usability"). . .

The other article in that issue by an IBMer is the regular column "Pushing the Envelope" by Fred Sampson. Fred sets the stage for a future issue about the user experience challenges with Web applications / Web 2.0 / social computing (or something like that) - Whither the Web?. This will also be our internal-IBM topic for World Usability Day on Tuesday. [Keith Instone's site - IA, UX, Toledo, IBM, and less.]

Also featuring World Usability Day is Scott Abel in The Content Wrangler, plugging an interview with Rahel Bailie in the Astoria WebLog. Rahel, along with Jerome Ryckborst, capably took responsibility for STC's WUD support and involvement when I had to relinquish leading the project (for health reasons, see posts from last April). Rahel clearly gives good interview; she lives and breathes usability in content management. Curiously absent, however, in either post, is any mention of World Usability Day's primary sponsor: the UPA. If all you knew about WUD was what you read in those two blogs, you would think it's an STC event. The card-sort is STC's way of supporting WUD.

For the record, we have close to 30 IBMers signed up for the card-sort exercise at the Silicon Valley Lab, hosted by UPA president Thyra Rauch and yours truly. Sounds like we'll have a good ol' time; will report later.

6:55:44 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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Last update: 12/5/06; 8:19:02 PM.

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