Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Check the comments to Nick Carr's post; you can argue the numbers backwards and forwards, but one thing this exercise proves is that no matter what Chris Anderson says in The Long Tail, neither computing power nor storage are anywhere near free:
Avatars consume as much electricity as Brazilians. Tony Walsh has, as others do, some doubts about whether Second Life is sustainable as a business. But he also poses another question that I hadn't come across before: "Is Second Life sustainable ecologically?" He quotes Philip Rosedale, the head of Linden Lab, the company behind the virtual world: "We're running at full power all the time, so we consume an enormous amount of electrical power in co-location facilities... [ Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog]
8:36:30 PM
Lou and Peter have done it again:
December 5, 2006: Ursus maritimus 3. The 3rd edition of Information Architecture for the World Wide Web is now available at your favorite bookstore. By my count, it's 44 pages longer, which works out to about 8% growth between the second and third editions. (Compared to about 80% growth between v1 and v2.) Is it 8% better? We hope you'll be the judge... [ Bloug] I ordered my copy from Bookpool on Sunday. They're having a sale on O'Reilly books. Tried to talk myself into waiting--it's the season for overspending--but just couldn't resist the opportunity.
8:18:42 PM
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