Plenty of press coverage for Wednesday's release of IBM OmniFind Yahoo! Edition:
12.13.06: Yahoo, IBM go for enterprise search. AP reports:
IBM Corp. and Yahoo Inc. are teaming up to offer a free
data-search tool for businesses, a quirky move challenging Google Inc.
and other corporate-search specialists in a blossoming market.
IBM hopes the service, being announced Wednesday, bolsters its overall efforts to improve its dealings with small companies. . . and
Fighting free with free.
IBM and Yahoo are pulling a Google on Google. The duo has announced
that they'll start giving away a basic version of IBM's OmniFind
software for searching corporate documents, undercutting one of the few
products that Google actually charges for. Aimed at smaller companies,
the free software can index up to 500,000 documents. Running on a
server, it uses a customizable, Yahoo-like browser interface and
integrates Yahoo web search results. . .
among many others. Along with some huge number of downloads in the first 48 hours. OmniFind Yahoo! Edition is one of several "discovery" products coming out of the division in which I work at IBM. I had a small part in pulling together the help system for this one. There's more UI goodness coming, too.
8:18:58 PM