Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Alex Wright, author of the amazing book Glut: Mastering Information Through The Ages , takes note of the refurbished Web site for ACM <interactions>, and the appearance in the January-February 2008 issue of his own article, plus a review of Glut by yours truly.
Interactions. Congrats to Richard Anderson and Jon Kolko on the relaunch of Interactions, the ACM's long-running magazine about interaction design. I haven't seen the physical magazine yet, but the new Web site is now up and running. The new issue features... [ alex wright] Alex is right, you can't read the whole thing unless you're a member with access to the ACM Digital Library. But soon's I see the hard-copy in my mail box I'll post the review in my archives, with a link here.
8:41:13 PM
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