This is the personal weblog of Greg Burch.

Monday, July 01, 2002

So this is a very interesting article on a startup in California. They say their wireless technology can reach up to 50miles at incredible speeds. They are already testing some places. They have a small antenna that can be mounted anywhere. I hope we see it world wide soon, I am sick of slow "anywhere" wireless. I live fine with my WiFi but it doesn't reach outside my door.
5:08:09 PM    comment []

This is a neat little flash application that finds your location, and also shows you the location of the last 20 people. It finds your lat, long, city, state, and country. It worked perfectly for me. I think you could do some kind of cool game or something with of course could always do geoposting...but thats been done. [via Quasimondo]
4:08:55 PM    comment []

So I hate it when my component slows down because it's constructor runs useless code upon inheritance. So I always use a peice of code like this:

MyClass = function(){
	if(this._name == undefined) return;
MyClass.prototype.init = function(){
	this.test_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("test",1);
	return true;

So the constructor checks to see if the code is running in a movieclip or not by checking for this._name. I have been using this method since the release of the Macromedia Flash UI Component Set and have not had any problems, if anyone has please leave a comment letting me know.
3:50:22 PM    comment []

Ok so here is a really simple snippet that I actually use a lot in Flash Remoting. I make sure I (or the developers I am working with) always pass back dataProvider friendly data to the flash components that I create or use (I also make sure every component I use accepts a dataProvider). This makes it easy to swap out different components as well as making method callbacks easy. This is really really simple but I find it very valuable when I am working with many components in one system and don't want to have to define a seperate handler for each.

/* dataConsumer being a dropdown, listbox or anything that accepts a dataProvider class */
	this.__DC__ = dataConsumer;
/* this is automatically called by remoting */
ServiceResponder.prototype.onResult = function(res){
/* since we never set a defaultResponder we can pass on in on each method call */
SomeService.getSomeData(new ServiceResponder(myDropDown),{param1: 10, param2: "test"});
SomeService.getSomeData(new ServiceResponder(myListBox),{param1: 10, param2: "test"});

12:30:44 PM    comment []

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