This is the personal weblog of Greg Burch.

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

This is TONS useful on my current project. I build smaller remoting components that hook into a very large system. And it is nearly impossible to get that whole system running and kept up to date to test my small pieces. So I noticed that as long as I leave included in my little pieces that if I have the IDE open and the NetConnection Debugger panel open it will catch Flash remoting calls and responses. This is very useful. Especially if you want to test your stuff as close to real world as possible (for example in a browser) but want to make sure you are getting the right data. I am pretty sure this will work outside your computers domain, but to be honest I have not tested it. My computer currently belongs to the same domain as my project. If you have time to test it let me know, otherwise I will be testing it when I get some free time today.
11:29:55 AM    comment []

Help Mike Chambers test a Flash Communication Server App.
He is going to be testing a simple Flash Communication Server app on Wednesday (July 24) at 1pm est, and needs some (a lot) of people to join to see how it handles the bandwidth.

[via mesh on MX]
9:52:35 AM    comment []

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