This is the personal weblog of Greg Burch.

Friday, June 28, 2002

Ok so I have read like 10 different sources on this today, its an interesting idea.

Warchalking hits government: in the coolest intersection of government, blogging, and wireless, the State of Utah's CIO blogs (using Radio) about the idea of warchalking to help identify resources inside an organization! I've never seen an idea get co-opted (in a good way) so quickly.

[via 80211b News]

Ok whats next, Hobo Phil...Phillip Torrone has been sending around email about his newest creation, Hobo Phil which is a guide and connection tester for warchalking.
7:58:16 PM    comment []

"Several vendors, including Microsoft (with Windows Media Player), Macromedia, Real Networks and video decoder maker Packet Video, have said they will optimise for XScale. "

This is good news, I am glad Macromedia is listed. That means more power to our flash content. Can't wait to benchmark the optimizations to see just how much we gain. I am curious to how flash runs on it currently...I know a lot of programs either had no improvement or I even heard of some getting a bit slower.
2:19:41 PM    comment []

Mozquito use the Flash 6 Player to parse and render W3C compliant XHTML documents including upcoming W3C recommendations like XForms and XFrames, to be able to display xml based web applications with a GUI-OS look-and-feel in your favourite web browser.... [via FlashGuru]

Claus has done a good job keeping me up to date on this, it has evolved and is looking very cool. Claus says the first test application they are building with deng is a blog manager, and it he expects it will be up by the end of next week.
1:08:09 PM    comment []

This was posted a couple of weeks ago on It is an article/tutorial I wrote around the release of FlashMX on Extending Components. It may help some people new to components learn more about them.
11:27:35 AM    comment []

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