This is the personal weblog of Greg Burch.

Thursday, June 27, 2002

Branden Hall posted an interesting story on an on-screen text input mechanism called Dasher, at first I was confused by this and would get lost. But after a few minutes of reading the help I understood what was going on and could get going pretty fast. I imagine if I used this every day it would become second nature just like typing and would work quite well. I am running it on my ipaq right now to just see how useful it can become for me.

3:56:08 PM    comment []

I just posted a little story explaining some code I wrote on the ultrashock forums. It explains some of the uses of the apply and __resolve methods if you have not worked with these yet. Also some cool tween engine code.

Here is a peice of code using both:
Glyph.prototype.__resolve = function(methodName){
 return function(){
  return this.ref_class[methodName].apply(this.ref_class,arguments);
} |

1:10:57 PM    comment []

mesh on MX just posted some stuff on Macromedia DevCon 2002, I am definately headed that way. Should be an awesome conference with all the new features and product releases. Mike himself will be talking on Flash of my favorite topics lately (I do tons of this stuff).

12:43:15 PM    comment []

© Copyright 2003 Greg Burch.
June 2002
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Robert Hall

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