Disaster Recovery
My laptop ate something poisonous. After a few days of throwing up, it died. My weblog, ie, my Radio software, lived on that computer. With the help of Userland, I was able to salvage my work of the last six months and reopen for business on my desktop at home. This is a workable setup for the short term, but it will change my blogging schedule somewhat for the near future. It has been a long night.
Chico Sabbah Update
Bad news for Chico Sabbah, the secretive philanthropist I profiled for Forbes last month. The reporter--a very talented woman named Margaret Banks--overemphasizes the role of my story in yesterday's court proceedings, I think--it was really just a prop for the lawyer--but the negatives for Sabbah and his partner are very real.
Humor is a Powerful Weapon
The Onion is making fun of the RIAA this week--more proof that people are waking up to the problems of bad bills like the Berman-Coble proposal.
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