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Updated: 10/18/2002; 9:00:52 AM.


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Monday, October 07, 2002

Pro-choice Tara

In her own inimitable style, Tara Grubb goes for the abortion rights vote. I must say that the second comment under her post makes sense to me, ie, Tara's semi-spacey meditation seems to leave the door open to some radical interpretations that nobody would really want, but once again she is willing to take a stand on a major issue that others often try to avoid, and props to her for that. There is something powerful about a young, dedicated mother defending the right of women to choose on reproductive rights.

9:04:33 PM   comment []  

"Gratuitous Unilateralism"

Wow, somebody I voted for said something I wanted him to say. My junior senator made me proud to be a North Carolinian today. John Edwards may be getting ahead of himself in his plans for the White House, but he showed some courage and common sense in a speech questioning the rush to war in Iraq--while maintaining his credibility as a believer in the rational use of military force.

6:38:51 PM   comment []  

The Cast System

Not all the medical advances of the last generation involved smart drugs or laser surgery. Remember the old plaster casts that used to go on broken limbs? Now they use fiberglass casts in funky colors. The one Sydney brought home for the doctor's office today, for example, is a nice lime green. She fell off a trampoline at our neighbor's house yesterday, toughed it out last night, and this morning said it still hurt a lot. A quick x-ray showed a hairline crack near the wrist. Syd is one tough 8-year-old, but she is seriously bummed about missing the rest of the soccer season and not being able to ride horses til Thanksgiving.

6:08:45 PM   comment []  

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