Updated: 11/26/09; 10:30:30 PM.
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"THE FOCUS OF DIGITAL MEDIA" - Gary Santoro and Mediaburn.net

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Tuesday, August 24, 2004

A Note From Skadz.com

I'm still alive. Mostly. Very busy at work. Not much to talk about. Just wanted to say hi. I'll be back soon enough.

By (Skadz). [Geeks, Guitars and Guinness]
10:08:06 PM    

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E-mail From Governor Howard Dean
Dear Gary,

Every two years, Democrats pick a few Congressional races that look close and pour money into them. Our party tries to win just enough seats to erase the slim Republican majority, but ignores many other races. For ten years we have won some and lost some--but through it all, Republicans have kept control.

It's time for a change. The Dean Dozen and other socially progressive, fiscally moderate candidates are the future of our party. If we are going to take back the House, we have to support them everywhere, not just where we think they can win.

You can change how the Democratic Party does business with $20, $100, $50 or whatever you can afford. Together, thousands of us can provide the support that good candidates need to challenge Republicans everywhere and bring the Democratic agenda to the people:


I'm writing to you now from Florida, where we all remember how much is at stake. Both parties and countless other organizations--including DFA--are on the ground fighting for every single vote.

I spent the past weekend in Texas, where things are vastly different. Except in a handful of so-called competitive districts, pundits and political operatives don't give Democrats a chance. Unfortunately, too many in our party agree. In many places we have completely abandoned our cause.

Texas Democrats are just as hungry for change as anywhere else in the country--and they aren't giving up. All over the state there are Democrats like Richard Morrison, who is challenging Republican House Majority Leader Tom DeLay in his home district.

We support Richard Morrison and candidates like him everywhere. Contribute now to support these candidates as well:


If you run a Democrat pretending to be a Republican, the real Republican will win every time. And if you don't run anyone at all, Democrats will never have a chance. The only way we can win is to compete.

Over the next ten weeks we plan to support--both financially and with organizers on the ground--the kind of House candidates who will spread our message to every corner of the country. Your contribution puts one more organizer on a race, supports one more volunteer's canvassing or helps a candidate we support contact one more voter. Every American from Utah to Georgia should hear the same message: if you want health care for everyone, a balanced budget and a moral foreign policy you should be voting Democratic.

If we fight in every district within every state, we can make Nancy Pelosi the next Speaker of the House. I am asking for your help to make an impact in Congressional races this November, can I count on you for $100, $50, or $20 today?


We cannot surrender, we cannot give up. Thank you for your support.

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

P.S. -- You can learn more about good candidates and how to help them win here: http://www.democracyforamerica.com/candidates
9:48:46 PM    

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Video, A Serling Remix
Planet of the Apes as a Twilight Zone Episode. Extremely cool re-edit of the original Planet of the Apes as a Twilight Zone episode. Converted to b&w, narrated by Rod Serling, and with commercials to boot. A Boing-Boing reader has posted a BitTorrent version on this page for faster downloads. (I had some problems downloading the Torrent file directly, and ended up going clicking the link to the Torrent and saving it to disk rather than opening the link in the browser. Then I had to change the extension on the downloaded file to .torrent.) [via Boing Boing]... [datacloud]
9:46:52 PM    

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Become a Cinema Minima Correspondent
Become a Cinema Minima Correspondent. Cinema Minima needs your help: if you will be attending a film festival or conference, consider covering it as a Cinema Minima Correspondent (in the argot of journalism, a "stringer" ) — you'll get a free web log, your own discussion group in the Cinema Minima Readers forum, and an @cinemaminima.com email account (or forwarding address), even Press credentials at many events. [Cinema Minima Correspondents] [Cinema Minima]
7:12:33 AM    

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Dave Winer, Videos and Still Shots From Florida
Sunrise beach walk.

It gets hot here early, so I've been taking my daily walks earlier and earlier. Today I was up before dawn and thought this must be the best time of all to walk. Turns out that was totally true.

When I left it was dark. I got onto the beach, and while I could see in front of my feet, I couldn't make out the houses that line the beach. As I walked, it got lighter, and now I could make out two people walking from a house to the water, about a two-block walk, the beach is very wide.

Then more light, revealing people everywhere! It seems I'm not the only person with this idea (why do we always think we're the only smart ones). I walk and walk. Oh man.

I thought to bring my camera, so you can experience this too. This time I deliberately took some movies. Here are three. 1. Some birds wading in the tide; 2. A man on a bicycle and 3. A bit of surf and nothing more. (There is an annoying click on the audio, not sure what it comes from, I was holding the camera quietly, or so I thought.)

And then here are some stills. I shot them at double resolution, but the HTML image elements reduce them in size. I don't have the patience to store two versions of the pictures, so if you're bandwidth-constrained don't click on the link, and if you already did, I apologize.

Right now, with fresh sweaty endorphins running through my system, and the inspiration of a beautiful sunrise shared with other souls who are similarly inspired, I think this is the finest place in the world, a place made just for Uncle Dave.

[Scripting News]
7:09:36 AM    

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