Yahoo Current
Good Morning, The Edge.. The Yahoo! Current Network is finally live.
Here's what I've learned already: once you create a system in which everyone can participate, you need to brace yourself for how ridiculously random the participants are inevitably going to be.
Today, for example, we have pieces uploaded from the drummer of an all female AC/DC cover band a student at UCF, a Bay Area hiphop filmmaker, and, uh...Bono.
For the next three days, we'll be featuring bits of Bono's upload, "A Day in the Life of the Edge." I can't get over the fact that, throughout the morning, he unfailingly refers to his subject as "The Edge." "Morning, The Edge...wake up, The Edge...That is the sound of The Edge blowing his nose..." You get the idea. You also quickly realize that The Edge isn't really very edgy at all - he's pretty ordinary - and that's the charm of the piece.
Though he didn't choose it himself, Gary Brolsma is another star better known by his stage name. I doubt that there's a person with an email address that hasn't, at some point, come in contact with[sigma] The Numa Numa Kid.
Actually meeting Gary was surreal. Hanging out together in Saddle Brook, New Jersey (pop. 13,155), I was surprised what a kick I got out of touring his room, seeing his baby pictures, meeting his mom... Holding his famous shirt was like touching Jordan's jersey. Except way, way nerdier.
I was most surprised to learn that, although Gary is the most famous lip-syncher since Milli Vanilli, he is now a REAL singer in a rock band. Our day wrapped up with a live performance from The Nowadays in a Hoboken fraternity basement.
[Yahoo! Current Network]
10:44:09 PM