Used Kids in Ohio
Earwig, The Anti-Big Thing.
MP3: "Used Kids" by Earwig
"I don't know how much it shows, but this record is really about Ohio. It's about where we are from and being true to what you are," says Earwig founder, singer/guitarist Lizard McGee about his band's new album, Center of the Earth.
The band got its start in 1994 when they released Mayfeeder on their own label (Lizard Family Music - also home to Preston Furman, Monster Zero, and Ugly Stick) and a year later were featured alongside the New Bomb Turks, Gaunt, and Watershed in an Entertainment Weekly article predicting that Columbus was on its way to becoming the next Seattle (hmm...what happened????).
"I was sending out packages to all the labels that I really respected," McGee recalls about the post-Nirvana feeding frenzy that took place in the mid-90s. "I was taking a bath and got a phone call from Ivo (the head of 4AD). We talked about the band and he wanted me to keep in touch and send him new music. I can't really recall how or where that all went. Maybe I was just too young and didn't know how to capitalize on the interest at the time." []
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