
Welcome to the Oddblog, where we prattle on incessantly about bug fixes, feature additions and all things Oddpost. Use the calendar to navigate to a particular day's news. Click on "comment" to tell us how it all makes you feel. And remember: if there are no announcements on a given day, it does in fact mean that we were out blowing your subscriber dollars on handcrafted doilies and pink champagne.


Wednesday, June 12, 2002

I hope you're sitting down. By popular demand, we have added address book import. Now up! Dance for us! Dance! Be seated. Look for "Import Address Book" in the File menu. We support the CSV (comma separated values) format, and have tested against Outlook, Outlook Express and Yahoo CSV files. Other CSVs should work, but Palm's CSV is not supported because they chose to NOT FOLLOW THE RULES. If you must import a Palm address book, use their vCard format to get it into Outlook, then export CSV from Outlook, then import it into Oddpost, then spit nickels and crawl on your belly like a lizard.
comment [] 11:17:09 PM    

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