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Monday, June 24, 2002

We were in Britain's Sunday Times. If you happen to be a Times subscriber, the article is here. For everybody else, it was in a technical Q&A section and went like this:

I am fed up with Hotmail. Can you recommend a webmail system that offers the ease of operation of the dial-up service Outlook Express?

I like the new 'access anywhere' online e-mail service at www.oddpost.com. It looks and feels similar to Outlook Express, down to the Views layout and Menu bar. It is fast, will work with your existing POP3 e-mail service, and generates revenue from an annual subscription fee of £21, rather than through intrusive advertising. It works with the Windows version of Internet Explorer 5 upwards, and a month's free trial is available.

Shortly after the article ran, we received the following email:
"I look forward to trialing this over the next 30 days as on the face of it, it looks pukka."
comment [] 2:47:25 PM    

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