Clemens Vasters: Enterprise Development & Alien Abductions
Thoughts about Microsoft .NET, Enterprise Services, XML and other dull and boring things.
Updated: 7/30/2002; 8:47:47 AM.


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Tuesday, July 23, 2002

"Clemens Vasters: Staying sane in an XML Web Services World.  Harumpf.  It looks like my next essay will be a sequel to Coping with Change.  This time, it will be from the perspective of the wire observing the bits as they flow. [Sam Ruby]"

From harumpf: A sign of disgust or impatience.

I guess that somehow conveys that Sam Ruby deeply disagrees with me on this

Update: Reading Sam's Copying with Change, I realized that I didn't think of mentioning well-defined extensibility points (xsd:any) among all the well-definedness that I ask for. Added rule 3(b)

8:33:00 PM      comment []

I kept saying "it's only a matter if time folks, someone's going to do it": .NET for Apache [Slashdot]
6:22:16 PM      comment []

Steve Swartz from the XML Enterprise Services group at MS saw my list of rules for a peaceful cohabitation of COM+ and the CLR and asked me how I'd see the story from a WSDL and XML angle. Well... I thought about it and wrote something up.

Staying sane in an XML Web Services World
Thoughts about versions, identities, WSDL and XML 

"If I would rewrite this sentence in a different way, the new sentence would likely have the about the same semantics, but it would be a different one."

Go here for the whole thing, it got a little too lengthy to post it straight into the blog.

1:22:28 PM      comment []

Today is the 7th day of a 10 day .NET workshop we do for a major enterprise customer. Half of the crowd are ASP/VB devs, the other half are MFC/C++ devs. It's an interesting mix of people for such a workshop, because you get "Ahs!" and "Ohs!" (and "?!?!? #§$%&!!" too) on very different aspects of the Framework from each side and you get a lot of good questions that move the group forward. Generally, such workshops prove to me that C# is an excellent bridge between the worlds, because both camps are already using it as if they had done so for quite a while. Today we're going to cover the guts of ASP.NET and then they're ready for their first project: Match & Meet, a virtual dating portal, which we keep using as our sample scenario (it's a fun thing to do, provides you with a lot of obvious ideas for features and, hey, in Germany we really don't need to worry about being politically correct, too much)

Jörg and myself are splitting the job and while I am not talking, I just sit in the corner, notebook on my lap (wait... there was a better term for notebook, once) and keep writing on my Enterprise Services book. It's going to be a pretty compact book (some 220 pages), because the book series is like that. Still, I want to get as much stuff into it as possible, because I suspect that there aren't so many new COM+ centric (to use the old name) books written nowadays and there is so much new stuff to cover in COM+ 1.5 and in the System.EnterpriseServices mapping of the .NET Framework 1.x.  The page limit isn't bad, though. There's often way too much fluff in these >500 page books. ~200 pages should be plenty of room to get the core messages acros. Definitive deadline is August 8th and I am not even near the half of the content; the whole interop and activation story in that gray area between managed and unmanaged code is done since yesterday night, though, (yay!) so from here it should be mostly smooth sailing. Note to self: Get the book translated into English when done.

7:48:51 AM      comment []

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