Friday, June 06, 2003 |
ms is doing some great stuff with deep sql/clr integration. i wonder if anything similar is going on with sql/jvm integration?
1:24:01 AM
the more i think about it, the more i'm convinced that zion is in the matrix. this explains why neo is able to influence the machines at the end of part 2. perhaps neo will be the first human to *finally* escape the matrix. matrix revolutions could end with neo finally figuring it out and truly escaping the matrix. and then we'd have to wait for matrix 4....
1:10:40 AM
i was interviewed today about my blogging. it will be interesting to see if anything that i said actually makes it into the article. i'll look out for something around july 6th.
1:06:51 AM
currently on a death march for GLUE 4.1 and GAIA beta 1. both are due out in a few days time. the TME tradition is to celebrate every release with a snifter of cognac and a cigar, typically consumed at about midnight outside the engineering building. we try to pick a different kind of cognac for each release, and sign the bottle for posterity. it's a tradition that i highly recommend!
1:05:00 AM
presented at ms teched a couple of days ago with a .NET enterprise architecture team member called simon guest (another brit). it went really well, especially simon's demo that showed an outlook client suck customer contact info out of a java-hosted database using .NET on the outlook side and GLUE on the server side. consumer applications always seem to make the best demos imho, since they're easy to relate to and emphasize the true power of interop. try doing the same thing using DCOM/CORBA. yech!
1:02:24 AM
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