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Tuesday, June 04, 2002

Two Strategy Tips for Printers

The Dangers of Benchmarking
In a maturing/slowing/consolidating industry (i.e.printing) it is dangerous to benchmark yourself only against competitors. On a sinking ship you may benchmark your efforts to get a lifeboat against the brightest, most innovative passenger. But even if you succeed you've still done no more than get off the boat and prolong the inevitable. Your key to survival will likely come from a different ship, going in a completely different direction, and unrestrained by the problems your own ship faces. Of course you must first get off the boat, but that is not enough.

R&D "emdash" it's not just for tech companies
Printers should be engaging in "Business R&D." Everyone has a VP or Director of BizDev, but that role is to develop more business "emdash" business for the existing enterprise and capacity "emdash" not truly new business. Printers should be engaged in a managed effort to find new business and should be allocating some percentage of revenues to this effort just like drug and technology companies fund R&D. Most should be funded separately, run separately, and have clear timelines to show profit or be stopped. Such a strategy would have saved thousands of printers from the grief of investing in businesses they can't bill for "emdash" or might have caused them to create those businesses in a way that did contribute profit.

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Terry W. Frazier
1041 Honey Creek Road
Suite 281
Conyers, GA 30013
770-918-1937 office
404-822-6014 mobile

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