Updated: 9/11/06; 7:41:07 AM.

Tuesday, November 2, 2004

I'm just not blogging it. :+)

It's background as I put finishing touches on my keynote tomorrow afternoon on The State of 'Sustainability' (my current 'stump speech') at the CoopAmerica Business Network conference. If you're in or near San Francisco, c'mon down!

8:15:38 PM    comment []  trackback []

Some of the folks from the often exceptional WorldChanging blog are cranking up Bright Green Living Wiki:

We all know that our way of life is unsustainable. What we lack is information on how to live better, organized and presented in such a way that we can actually use it to make better choices.

Bright Green Living's goal is to change that. We will compile and provide the best information available on how to live both well and sustainably -- how to create a life that's both bright and green.

We'll do it by harnessing the power of the best experts on Earth: you...

This could be interesting!

8:11:01 PM    comment []  trackback []

EvRental: Great concept; miserable web experience for their "reserve online" option. Are you listening, Jakob Nielsen?

From State of California's Green Lodging program to reduce environmental impact of state employee travel, but perhaps useful for the rest of us too. (This "rest of us" is a former state employee -- four years in the Governor's office back when Jerry Brown was flooding Sacramento with fresh ideas.) What's missing there: alternatives and carbon offsets for air travel.

8:03:32 PM    comment []  trackback []

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