Updated: 9/11/06; 7:41:11 AM.

Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Well, this election looks all but done. I'll leave it to others to do the Ohio math, but one thing is clear: regardless of who controls Congress or occupies the White House, we still get to deal with energy physics, which is ruthlessly non-partisan.

An economy addicted to oil (and imported oil at that) is positioning itself for profound market and competitiveness challenges -- especially as other parts of the world continue to move more aggressively to reduce the risks of climate change.

Case in point, renewable energy goals:
- US, 2.5% by 2005
- China, 12% by 2020
- Europe, 20% by 2020, 50% by 2050

Sure is a good thing that US companies -- at least some of them -- are out far ahead of the US government. It's still likely to be a bumpy ride...

8:03:39 AM    comment []  trackback []

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