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daily link  Tuesday, August 06, 2002

Performance, profiles. Some info about performance (in the context of programming languages) on this page. Main take away is that there are 3 ways to get good performance: profile, profile, profile. Sadly, I don't know any good profilers (notice "good").   permalink  

Imagine you want to launch a web browser from within your program and make it go to a specific site. You can do it the easy way:
void LaunchIE(char *site)
    ShellExecute( GetDesktopWindow(), "", "iexplore", site, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL );
There's one problem with this code: it doesn't run on Windows 95 and 98 and those are still very popular. Fortunately, there is another way to do almost the same:
HANDLE JustCreateProcess(char *cmd, char *dir)
  STARTUPINFO StartUp={0,};
  if (!CreateProcess(NULL, cmd, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, dir, 
&StartUp, &ProcInfo))
    return NULL;
  if (NULL != ProcInfo.hThread) CloseHandle( ProcInfo.hThread );
  return ProcInfo.hProcess;

void LaunchIE(char *site) { assert(site); std::string fullStr( "c:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\IEXPLORE.EXE" ); fullStr.append( " " ); fullStr.append( site ); HANDLE hProc; hProc = JustCreateProcess( (char*) fullStr.c_str(), "c:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer" ); if (hProc) CloseHandle(hProc); }


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Last update: 9/20/2002; 11:48:24 PM.