Thursday, January 23, 2003

Ma' says my DSL will be back up on the 30th of this month. I checked an old DSL modem I have hooked up to the line and it is getting signal. My password, however, is not letting me on to the PPPoE network. I guess I'll have to wait for them to activate it.

I can't wait to get my network configured and FINALLY make the whole house wireless. THEN I'll be able to sit in the Living Room and surf or post while socializing at the same time.

10:05:33 PM   

I've been posting a lot on Thanks to AmphetaDesk I've been able to keep up with my posts. I've actually grown quite fond to AmphetaDeska and I believe I'll keep using it. I definitely like the library of all the available feeds. I don't have to go out looking for them. I just have to select which to aggregate. 
10:02:11 PM   

I'm back!...
Well, somethings aren't the way they were, but atleast I'm able to post again. It won't be that long before my weblog is full again anyway.

I've been having problems for a long time with the Aggregator not letting me add feeds. Finally, about 2 days ago, I just couldn't post at all.

I'll ask Dane to help me relink my old archives. If that's not possible I'll manually create a link to them so you can link back. They're still there...just not linked to the main page yet.

9:42:10 PM