Saturday, February 01, 2003

More on Columbia...
Remains found among shuttle debris. Human remains are recovered from the scattered wreckage of the space shuttle Columbia as Nasa launches an inquiry into the disaster. [BBC News | Front Page | UK Edition
11:15:22 PM   

AOL's Need: A New Vision. AOL Time Warner must now wriggle out of a financial straitjacket of heavy debt and stagnant profits. By Geraldine Fabrikant and David D. Kirkpatrick. [New York Times: Technology]

Actually, what has really happened is, the Internet (capital I) has matured and AOL has not. AOL still views the world as if it were 1997 and has not realized what consumers want in an ISP.

11:14:49 PM   

But Dobby is a good house elf!!!...
Putin, Dobby and the Axis of Weirdness. The supposed resemblance between Russian President Vladimir V. Putin and Harry Potter House-Elf Dobby has become something of an event in media circles and on the Internet. By Michael Wines. [New York Times: Technology
11:11:27 PM   

More on Columbia...
Time-lapse animation of debris dispersion. Here's a time-lapse animation of the debris-dispersion as shown on NOAA radar. Link Discuss (via Interesting People) [Boing Boing Blog
11:08:36 PM   

Joe is using an interesting referrer system to post who's listing referrers on his weblog. I might institute this over at and maybe over here too. 
11:06:04 PM   

It's 9:30ish and I just woke up after being heavily sedated with cold medicine. The first thing my wife says to me when I wake up is:

Shuttle Columbia breaks up [CNN]

I got this from over at The Fuzzy Blog:


Here are a couple of blogs in Texas that mention the Columbia incident first hand:

My hopes are with NASA and the families of course. [The Fuzzy Blog]

NASA has posted an official press release on the index page of their site about the loss fo radio contact with the shuttle.

Finally the BBC links shows up in my aggregator.
Nasa shuttle lost on re-entry. Seven shuttle astronauts are feared dead after Nasa loses contact with space shuttle Columbia minutes before it was due to land. [BBC News | Front Page | UK Edition]

Dave Winer posted:
A picture named shuttle.gifIt was barely daylight when the breakup occurred. On NPR they're speculating that it was metal fatigue. The engines aren't powered at this point in the flight. Seven people on board. First Israeli astronaut. Debris is being found all across north Texas. CNN has a series of photos showing the Shuttle breaking up. They were emailed to them from a man on the ground in Texas. [Scripting News]

Scott Adams is accumulating links to stories about the Shuttle. [Scripting News]

Radar image from the National Weather Service that shows the crash, vividly, in color. [Scripting News]

Dave is posting some really good links. Head over to Scripting News for more.

9:44:05 AM