Scurvy--The brave 2nd-year resident (John Crandon)
1939 and the guy goes six months without Vitamin C. Read what happens. (Among many discomforts were "perifollicular hemorrhages" on lower legs...dependent areas as pointed out by Dr. Imhoff.)
6:43:26 PM
Petechiae, Purpura, Ecchymoses
Size seems to be the criteria. Petechiae (1-2 mm), Purpura (>3 mm), Ecchymoses (>1-2 cm).
The NEJM immune thrombocytopenia review from March (PubMed) has some pictures of more explicit petechiae. (Authors of same review do bone marrow on patients over forty years old.) Below 10,000 platelets risk of serious hemorrhage rises.
5:48:10 PM