Weblogs in Medicine
Jacob Rieder uses Family Medicine Notes to help teach. His weblog serves as an example; he provided a jump start for me. Kind recognition appreciated.
11:59:57 PM
Medical Ethics & Radiation Research
US District Court Judge Sandra Beckwith summarizes the history & ethics of Defense Department whole body radiation research in Cincinnati, 1959-1972. Her 1995 decision eloquently discusses autonomy, liberty, and informed consent.
11:57:40 PM
GI Blood and BUN
Does a rise in BUN rise distinguish upper from lower GI bleeding? (Physiologically is the rise in BUN due to catabolism of blood in the gut or simply under perfused kidneys?) This study found a specificity of only 27% and sensitivity of 90%. (Even less reliable in older patients, or with renal & liver diseases.)
11:54:15 PM
Drugs, Neighborhoods and People
To follow-up on our Friday Clinton Hills conversation, the Physician Leadership on National Drug Policy (PLNDP) teaches about substance abuse, public health, and policy.
The book we talked about is Crack in America--essays by physicians, pharmacologists, sociologists and others. Gives sense of recurrent binges and prevalent patterns of use. Has clear opinions on policy.
11:47:36 PM