Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog Zilla : Days of our lives. Honestly.
Updated: 24/11/2002; 11:59:42 AM.


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Saturday, 5 October 2002

Quantum DB Plugin v2.0.0 for Eclipse released ( [IBM Developer Works - Java News]

So which is the best DB Plugin for eclipse?
11:25:07 AM    

Ant 1.5.1 released (Jakarta Project) [IBM Developer Works - Java News]

11:24:39 AM    

Microsoft redesign. Jeffrey Zeldman notes that Microsoft's redesign is a web standards disaster. I note that it is also an accessibility disaster. (268 words) [dive into mark]

11:24:07 AM    

Woo-hoo!. Slashdot added an RSS feed with descriptions. Thanks!
Here’s the URL: []

11:23:44 AM    

Phoenix Extensions. I'm getting a lot of email about this, so I whipped up a document that explains how to make your Mozilla extensions work with Phoenix. Here it is. [Confessions of a Mozillian]

I hope Phoenix forces Moz's UI design to improve...
11:23:20 AM    

InvisibleNet Presents IIP. A new and ever growing project has launched into the alternative network realm, changing the pace by focusing directly on speech, rather than file sharing. The Invisible Irc Project, a peer distributed secure and anonymous network for chatters has popped up at some of the conventions recently this past year. []

irc++ ?
11:22:32 AM    

Karen asks why we, as software creators, haven't yet learnt about the things that people were writing about more than 20 years ago. [read more] [Tony Bowden: Understanding Nothing]

I enjoy reading a bit of Tony in the morning.
11:22:08 AM    

(found on MacNews). [Matthew Langham's Radio Weblog]

Waaaay too cute.
10:54:19 AM    

Pot. Kettle. Black

Umm... yeah... I don't get Australian sports
Footy, or how to turn eastern sydney into a battle zone. I think it is time for me to don my honourary kiwi jacket and bet Mike a beer or three over the outcome of the match. It might even make me watch it. :) [Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog Zilla]

Bah - the mighty Roosters will come steaming home - you just watch. Pity they have the campest song in the NRL... "Rooster rooster man, I want to be a rooster man." (to the tune of Macho man by the Village People)
[ rebelutionary ]

Ever get the feeling that living in the Southen Hemisphere just makes people nutty? :-) [Jason Carreira]

I am perfectly sane. It's just Mike who is mad. :-)
10:34:32 AM    

Testing Composite

Trying out Mozilla. I'm trying out the Mozilla Composite Editor. It's a little flaky, but definitely has potential! This makes it much easier to post from should make it optional as to whether to use the applet or the same textfield it has now (on is AWESOME.

Hmmm. Let us see how much damage the Mozilla Composite Editor does to Radio. This could be fun ...

[Edited in some spaces so I can read it. I suspect Composite is space strippingafter tags.]

Nope, composite just randomly strips white space. Erk.
10:23:46 AM    


I've heard of YAML a few months ago, but I never paid any attention to it because it seemed too young. Now I'm wishing I had because it has a fairly complete spec (I say fairly because I haven't read it all yet). The thing I like most about it is it doesn't try to impose a rigid API on you (like the XML DOM), but allows you to use native maps and arrays.

Many thanks to Jason Diamond for mentioning it and other XML alternatives in a recent post.

Does anyone know of a YAML .NET Parser or even C++? I know a bit of Python so I'm using that parser for now to learn the syntax of YAML. But I'd love to see the guts of one in a language I know more about.

Hm...if there isn't one out there...might be a good Open Source project - a YAML .NET parser.

Update: DSL modem crapped out. Updating so I can re-publish.

[News from the Forest]

First reaction: Where is the java library. Second reaction: This is a pythonizied data formats. The use of indentation to mark inclusion is certainly one of the more inflamatory memes getting around. But, in my mind, it is certainly clearer and more succinct.
10:20:28 AM    

You know you're a jaded PC user when you see the headline Microsoft Reports Progress in Averting Computer Crashes and you think it's another Onion satire.

[The Shifted Librarian]

Too true...
10:16:34 AM    

Enron knows about the square root of -1

In economics, the executives and auditors at Enron, WorldCom, Arthur Andersen and a host of other companies were commended by the Ig Nobel committee "for adapting the mathematical concept of imaginary numbers for use in the business world". [The Age, via Google News]

I love the fact that someone has the sense to poke fun at the accountants. ;)
10:11:14 AM    

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