Jira is Free to OpenSource Projects. Was checking around to see what options I had to not using BitKeeper when we start coding on the humanMotion project early next year. While BitKeeper does a restrictive EULA to prevent people from working on specific opensource projects, the owners of Jira do not.
In fact Jira's owners just make sure the sourcer is not given for those using it in OpenSource projects. Which seems better move to me than restricting what opensource projects you can work on using Jira. The company that owns Jira is Atlassian.
The only thing left now is to make sure I have enough long term paid projects to support myself and pay for one year of hosting costs for a Tomcat-JBoss combination.
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I believe that Atlassian will also do deals on hosting open source project's JIRA instances. Have a chat to Mike. He doesn't bite. Honest. (Even if I do owe him a few beers after the Warriors got trounced by the Roosters).