Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog Zilla : Days of our lives. Honestly.
Updated: 24/11/2002; 11:17:56 AM.


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Thursday, 24 October 2002

My kingdom for a 40hr day

beep4j. Brett Morgan mentioned ny beep4j project but complained about the broken domain-name. The problem is that SourceForge is almost complete crap and can't handle more than a single vhost entry, apparently. This has been a probelm for a long time and has yet to be fixed. Hence, my slow migration of my projects away from SourceForge. Brett.... You don't allow comments on your blog?... [bob mcwhirter]

That would explain why was going walkies, and yes I will get around to putting up comments RSN. Sure, the other one has bells on it. :-)
11:07:10 PM    

Beware, there be dragons here

The wonderful world of blogging.

Mike has a post on why he reads other people's blogs. I agree, blogs are a great way to get into the minds of other people all over the world. I've learn't soo much about and from these people, just from reading their blogs.

[Rick Salsa]

Rick, I do hope you aren't trying to get into my mind. It's a mess at the moment.
11:04:00 PM    

Bringing back memories

Simon on Ruby. Yet another person I respect saying good things about Ruby: Ruby has pretty much already got all the bits of Perl 6 I'm excited about, plus the additional bits which I was looking for subconsciously while I was messing with... [Jeremy Zawodny's blog]

Hmmm. Ruby. Damn spanking fun lil language. I remember talking with some friends while working on the trading room fiasco as they planned to hijack some project so they could do Ruby on worktime. Doubt they ever got to it. Must catch up with 'em someday. Wonder if their mobile numbers still connect?
10:57:42 PM    

Moofie Madness

The Transporter. I went to see a new action movie, The Transporter, tonight. The movie contains a lot of original fight scenes that were very nicely choreographed. The car scenes were a lot of fun, and the explosions were great. The movie stars Jason Statham as a guy who will transport anything without questions for money. He has a set of rules he always follows for his deliveries. Everything goes fine until he breaks those rules and runs in to actress Qi Shu. From there, everything goes down hill for him fast. [Evil Thoughts]

There is a movie I want to see. In about six months when it is released down under. sigh

And they wonder why people are setting up home theatre living rooms with chipped dvd players? Geesus.

10:49:42 PM    

Tickling my weirdness meter

Introduction to Geometric Algebra (part three). This article continues to introduce the reader to the basics of geometric algebra. To apply our recent learning and connect to previous knowledge about geometry, we explore the inner and outer products, the projection and dual operations, and representation freedom. This article builds upon concepts introduced in part one and two. Some of those concepts will be more fully developed now that the reader has had a chance to absorb the routine without being buried in the details. For a reasonable understanding of this section, the reader should have some experience with basic algebra and three dimensional geometry. A practical understanding of trigonometry would also be useful, but not vital. It is possible to understand the content in this section without a strong background in these fields, though, because some effort is made to develop the related ideas. The purpose of this article is entirely educational. If the reader works to comprehend the content and also works the problems, they will come away with a better understanding of what a geometric algebra is and how they work. Specific goals include the following. The reader will understand the motivation to express objects in a representation-free manner. The reader will understand what the inner product is and how to use it. The reader will understand what the outer product is and how to use it. The reader will understand how to work the dual operation. []

Hmmm. Maths. Yum.
10:45:48 PM    

Language Lovin'

Fighting talk.
In the script group, the Perl subjects may be more capable than the others, because the Perl language appears more than others to attract especially capable people.

[Lutz Prechelt, An Empirical Comparison of C, C++, Java, Perl, Python, Rexx, and Tcl]

Ready flamethrowers... Fire!

Could this perhaps be that it takes a better than average developer to wield Perl in anger without hurting themselves or others? I have something of a love-hate relationship with Perl. Its power and flexibility is undeniable, its syntax questionable. I have this nagging fear that the more I learn, the greater its seductive attraction will become, simply because it allows you to get away with almost anything.

That's it. I'm not posting anymore on this (although I reserve the right to change my mind). There are more important things in life than 'my language is better than yours' catfights. Put your energy into writing code instead.

[Pushing the envelope]

Heh. Perl is addictive because of it's low barrier to entry for writing short scripts. When you get into writing large OO perl code libraries, you need to take a very restricted perl subset with a bunch of sanity idioms. Which means your coding something very akin to what you'd code in Python instead. :-)

For those who can't guess, I don't mind starting language wars. Cuz I use all of them. Bar VB. Can't stand VB.

10:41:42 PM    

Could CDRW Disks Replace Videotapes?. NewtonsLaw asks: "I'm in the process of building a TiVo-like PC that uses off-the-shelf technology to implement video timeshift, MPEG recording, MP3 recording, ... [Slashdot]

Hmmm. CDRW powered sneakernet to replace "Is this tape used?" hell. Cool.
10:32:43 PM    

Python dicing and slicing

All hail Python mode for Emacs -- or, py-execute-def-or-class rules.

Python mode for Emacs and XEmacs link rocks, rules, slices and dices. Well, not exactly, but it's rather nice anyway.

Edit some Python code in a buffer. Say C-c !. (Starts the Python shell.) Return to the buffer that has the code. Move the cursor inside a function. Say M-C-x. Witness the miracle that you can run the function in the Python shell! ??? Profit.

[Python owns us]

Python and Xemacs, two of my hidden loves. Ok, not so hidden. :-)
10:28:23 PM    

King Canute, Not

President Bush: The Internet is bad, mmm-kay. Bush urges ban on "morphed" porn Warning of the dangers of the Internet, President Bush asks Congress to ban child... [Vertical Hold]

I remember a story from my childhood about a king who was told by his court that he could turn back the tide ...

[Later...] After some googling I found this: From Viking warrior to English king - Canute (Knud) The Great. I think King Canute had a much better idea of reality than Bush.
10:26:45 PM    

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