Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog Zilla : Days of our lives. Honestly.
Updated: 7/01/2003; 9:52:52 PM.


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Sunday, 1 December 2002

Java.Blogs transferrence

Re: Sick as a dog.

Sick as a dawg

Argh. I'm sick. Hopefully its just a cold and not the flu. I hate being sick. [Evil Thoughts]

Me too. :-( [Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog]

Me too! Perhaps Java.Blogs is spreading a virus of some sort? [Vanity Foul]

Java.Blogs: Making you sicker by the post! :-)
3:23:44 PM    

Rising from the ashes

Make Phoenix Even Faster. Gleemed from the Phoenix forum again, comes this tip from mfk: Adding the line: user_pref("nglayout.initialpaint.delay", 0); to your user.js file makes Phoenix render pages very fast. Try it out. It's kinda eerie seeing Mozilla go this fast. laszlo provides the explanation of why in this post: Gecko normally delays the... [Blogzilla - a blog about Mozilla]

And I thought Phoenix was already reasonably quick. Woof. Can't wait for the next release ...
1:46:07 PM    

Guitars by any other name.

Loosely Joined.

Chris has a new band.
Michael has a new album.
Shannon points to the most evil axe ever.
Bad karma in the making.


Check out that axe. It is most evil. I want one now. :-)
1:03:22 PM    



My goodness, I'm finding lots of cool links this morning. Here are a couple on JudoScript -- like BeanShell on steriods:

[Brian Maso's Tecno-Geek Weblog]

Hmmmm. This could be fun.
11:52:25 AM    


Esoterically Cool. JSimul is a java-based simulated annealing package. JSimul is a JAVA-based simulated annealing package consisting of three layers: A swing-based user interface that provides intuitive access to the tuning of the algorithm's parameters. A simulated annealing algorithm coupled with a downhill simplex, mostly a JAVA object wrapper around two algorithms in Numerical Recipes (1) (ameba & amotsa). The driver is inspired from the example book(2), but I've added my own clustering scheme to test for convergence. Examples of a third layer (ie: test objective functions to minimize) are provided with the release. [bob mcwhirter]

Looks like there could be hours of fun to be had there ...
11:48:04 AM    

So Cool, but ack - the license

Flock. Dominic has set up Flock on his server. Interesting little web app. [All Things Java]

Y'know it would be fun to integrate flock and java.blogs. Dunno how happy Mike would be about GPL code tho. :-/
10:24:05 AM    

Sick as a dawg

Argh. I'm sick. Hopefully its just a cold and not the flu. I hate being sick. [Evil Thoughts]

Me too. :-(
10:21:31 AM    


Eager. I don't think I have ever been so eager to get at the source code for another project as I am with Spaces. I have been following the project since I first heard about it and have tested the two pre-releases plus the recent alpha release. There are so many things I would like to fix or add. Thanks to the immense amount of work Diego has already done I have a strong feeling that this project will be one that I and the rest of the open source Java community will be able to get behind.

[All Things Java]

Going by the screen shot, I'd venture that isn't a java application...
10:20:10 AM    

Project Genesis

Yeah, blame the Systems guy.
> Lucifer, either make it all work or you will
> be demoted and transferred to a different post.

How is it my fault, if I didn't get a proper spec?

from Project Genesis, via Adam Wendt [Cox Crow]

That's pretty funny really. :-)
6:29:07 AM    


XDoclet Templates for Eclipse. Matt pointed out these cool XDoclet templates for Eclipse. I am going to have to take some more time to checkout Eclipse 2.1 M3 on Windows and OS X. Now that the OS X build is back online maybe I will find the OS X version suitable for day to day use. [kdub's log]

Sexy. I suppose I am now going to have to download eclipse again. Heh.
4:00:51 AM    

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