Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog Zilla : Days of our lives. Honestly.
Updated: 7/01/2003; 9:52:54 PM.


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Tuesday, 3 December 2002

Happy Birthday to Charles, Happy Birthday to the Charles

December 3rd.

Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Three years 'til I'm 30
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

[The Fishbowl]

Happy birthday! So when are we doing beers? :-)
8:19:25 AM    

Swing is more powerful than I thought

Spaces is A Java App. Brett thinks Spaces is not a Java app. I assure you that it is, Brett. It is even a Swing app and not an SWT app! [All Things Java]

It is a Swing app?!? Colour me dazed. Wow. I need to get out more. Well, between the look of spaces, and the obvious malleability of Swing in IntelliJ, it may be time for me to hack some Swing. (Something else for the resume, and all that.)
8:14:41 AM    

Packet Probing will spell the end of cleartext packets

Packet Probing.

Scott Mace speaketh the truth:

The edge of the Internet gets fuzzier: Gartner is predicting deep packet inspection in the next generation of firewalls. Exactly. So all those of you (like David Isenberg) who say that the edge of the Net is where the contents of the packet get looked at, be prepared to either redefine your edge or be resigned to making the firewalls the edge. My opinion: like it or not, the edge is creeping closer to the node originating the service or providing the client. That will force service providers out of the business of providing service, and force the hosting companies and their customers to figure out how to deal with an otherwise decentralized Net.

[Matt Croydon::postneo]

I forsee a future where all communications, yeah even flippant communications between IM clients, will be secured with ssl or ssh wrapping, just to make sure the damn routers don't degrade service. I know this is happening at a major Uni that I used to work for, and it took the students all of 2 weeks to figure out what was going on, and ssl tunnel everything.

A very real case of adaption and counter-adaption.

8:10:19 AM    

Six weeks without socks

The S(e|o)x debate.

Thanks to Charles for the link, but I don't think I can agree with this research. Now, I'm not saying it what way it doesn't apply to me, just that it doesn't! [Vanity Foul]

And if you have no socks?
1:29:20 AM    

Beer & WiFi

Does your local pub have WiFi? It's free.... Chips and Alcohol [The Register]

That so works for me. In so many different ways. Oh baby.
1:18:36 AM    

Cedric tells us to grow up

Cedric and Russ about code conventions.

Code conventions (4).

Be conservative when you write and open-minded when you read.

[Otaku, Cedric's weblog]

Cedric arguments about code conventions with Russ. Or better should I say: Russ starts an argument about Cedric's previous post about code conventions.

I like Cedric's attitude and conclusion.

[Patrick Chanezon's Radio Weblog]

But that would mean I'd have to grow up, and stop being such a unprofessional git. Feh. It'll never happen.
1:10:57 AM    

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blogchalk: Brett/Male/26-30. Lives in Australia/Sydney/Carlingford and speaks English. Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Faster (1M+) connection.
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