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 Saturday, January 03, 2004

A picture named kerry.jpg

Some observations on John Kerry.

It's good that Kerry isn't running on an anti-war platform. I think that just being "against the war" is not going to carry the election. What the Democrats need is a platform that goes after Bush on the issues where he is most vulnerable: domestic spending, foreign relations, the small business environment, and especially what some see as the erosion of the First and Fourth amendments. But the truth is that the Democrats don't really have anything to offer this time around. If they do, they haven't given us a clue as to what it is. -- BB

Dowbrigade visits presidential candidate John Kerry in New Hampshire yesterday. "John Kerry is an old-line, traditional politician of the Kennedy-Patrician school, but he's a good example of the genre, and would at least stand a chance against President Bush. On the other hand, were he somehow to win the election, nothing would really change." [Scripting News]

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