Home-Based Entrepreneur

January 2004
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 Thursday, January 08, 2004

Bush Immigration Plan.

John Robb is a fan of Bush's new immigration plan. [Scripting News]

6:02:20 PM    

Political Polls: Democrats.

Taegan Goddard: "Dean now leads with 35 percent, Clark is second with 18 percent and Kerry trails in third with 12 percent." [Scripting News]

6:00:33 PM    

More reasons to pay attention to the 2004 election.

"No Child Left Behind" is in trouble. The politicians (both sides) said it was a good law. Professional educators say it's a disaster. Now the politicians say it could take up to 12 years to have a beneficial effect -- but the President isn't funding it adequately in his budgets. What's wrong with this picture?

Notice the stories today about the concerns of the IMF over the effect of the tax cuts here on the world economy. Our national debt is going to rise to 40% of our GNP in the next few years, and that will effect everyone. This is not just a Republican/George Bush problem -- Democrats in Congress voted for the tax cuts. Citizens who don't make themselves heard on this issue might as well vote for it.

5:55:39 PM