Home-Based Entrepreneur

January 2004
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 Sunday, January 11, 2004

And I thought maybe I imagined it ...

Dave Winer in Boston saw the same Meet the Press that we got here in Dallas. I don't know which group I loathe more - pols or press. -- BB

Meet the Press had a particularly clueless segment on blogs. Typical BigPub arrogance. One guy says he has a blog, but his is different -- he posts columns instead of pancake recipes. Oh. Okay. I guess you're smart and we're stupid. Thanks. [Scripting News]

2:29:29 PM    

The mainstream Media/Press still don't get it.

Watching NBC's Meet The Press this morning. Table full of pundits spent five minutes discussing weblogs. None of them, including Tim Rosser, get it. One was proud that he has "never blogged and will finish my career without blogging." They still think weblogs are online diaries for adolescents. They still think the weblogs branded with Howard Dean's/Wesley Clark's/George Bush's names are the cutting edge of political weblogs. Oh my.

10:49:18 AM