More things I don't understand.... ...but wish I did. I love this attitude though:
Everything sufficiently beautiful is connected to all other beautiful things! Follow the beauty and you will learn all the coolest stuff.
That comment comes from the website of John Baez, who is a mathematician and physicist. I wound up there following a link from boing boing about the Voynich manuscript, which is apparently one of Baez's many interests. He also looks at the ongoing Bogdanov uproar in the physics community. Those topics I can just about get the gist of. By the time I started looking at what he does for work, and hit "spin foam models," my eyes were rolling back in my head and I gave up in defeat. More Instant Humility. [both2and: beyond binary]
Alternative Logic. In a previous installment you've seen some of the alternatives to numbers that exist. But can we do something even more radical? How about going to the very foundations of mathematics itself and replacing logic itself? That might sound a little unusual, I mean logic's logic, you can't choose what you want to be true can you? Well actually there are plenty of alternatives to familiar classical logic, so many that I can't hope to do justice to them in one article. Nonetheless, I can still try to throw out a few teasers and hope you are motivated to check out the references and links to see what I'm really talking about. [] What do you think? [] links to this post 8:55:49 PM
Ratmail chat is not outreach. It's the converted idiotically trying to convert only each other, and regularly erupting in rage at their inevitable failure, rage for which they suffer no punishment because ratmailers know who's reading this. [...]
because of links, bloggers perform not only to their one little writer/readership of hard-core true-believers and obsessive anti-true-believers, but to the whole blog-readership out there, at least potentially. If we put on a civilised and friendly show, that whole readership will just keep growing and growing and we'll all do better.