Friday, 09 August, 2002

Chris Dobson, Beyond the Information Audit: Checking the Health of an Organization's Information System, Searcher.

Your people know that they can't get truly reliable information only from the Web and that they shouldn't waste time trying. That may all be true today, but what about next week? Let's suppose one of these scenarios occurs:

  • You get a new boss who never worked for a company with a library. 
  • You get a new boss from a department that has never used the library. 
  • A vendor sells management on desktop delivery of information so easy it doesn't require an information professional. 
  • The company hires a new batch of MBAs/Ph.D.s used to doing their own research. 
  • The division that encompasses your primary customer base is sold. 
  • Management decrees a 15 percent across-the-board budget cut. 
  • The IT department gets the OK for a knowledge management system that will provide "all the information anyone needs." (my emphasis)

Contains helpful information on "information check ups", including planning and surveying for special libraries. Thanks to EG for passing this my way.

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