Sunday, 18 August, 2002

trademarking the public domain

About Three Conundrums After Eldred.

As more  properties created during the birth of mass media in the early 20th century fall into the public domain, we will see an accelaration in the development of the jurisprudence of the interplay between use of public domain material and trademark (the owners of properties such as Peter Rabbit and Tarzan have been litigating these issues already).

One possible argument could go like this: "Yes your honor, while this illustration of  Winnie the Pooh is in the public domain as a copyright, we have been using it as a trademark for 20 years on our 'Classic Pooh' line of towels, and this survey shows that 75% of all respondents who see a product bearing this illustration of Pooh on a towel, believe that it originates with us."

[The Trademark Blog]
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