Pushing the envelope

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Updated: 26/01/2003; 11:49:00.
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  26 October 2002

Engage google before opening mouth

it's actually really simple.

Web-the_simplest_thing_that_can_possibly-Work. I get WebWork. Finally. For some reason I've had a mental block on it up until now. Every time I sat down to explore it something came up, or I got bored. Finally cracked it this afternoon. Turns it I was expecting something complex, and it's actually really simple. This appeared to cause me as much (or more) mental discontinuity as when I'm expecting something to be trivial, and it turns out to be much more complex. WW really is very simple, but it lacks an 'idiots guide' which would have been very helpful to me. I'll see if I can retrace my steps and post my experiences up sometime. [Pushing the envelope]

Great! A WW idiots guide would be fantastic. Did you read Joseph Ottinger's tutorial? Maybe that would be a good starting point to collaborate on?


Doh! No I didn't know about Joseph's tutorial, I must have skimmed over the post where you mentioned it. That would have made life much easier :)

I find this kind of blow-by-blow guide to be an excellent 'kickstart' when using a new tool or framework. It helps me get my mind around the paradigm of the tool being used. I wish every new technology had one of these. For anyone else like me who missed Mike's link, the guide can be found here:- http://enigmastation.com/~joeo/webwork.html

6:43:48 PM      comment []

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