Chi Lib Rocks! : Chicago Libraries Rock! This blog is a service of the Chicago Library System, for its member libraries and librarians. Please send comments, press releases, etc. to:
Teri Ross Embrey, Chicago Library System, For a detailed discussion of topics and items mentioned in the blog, check out our online community, CLS Online.
This is my blogchalk: United States, Illinois, Chicago, downtown, English, Libraries, Books, Technology, Librarianship, Information Science.
Monday, September 16, 2002
Blogging & Schools:
Technology & Learning mentioned blogs (in the newslet "Attack of the Blogs") in their Trend Watch column (p. 8) of their September 2002 issue.
2:07:55 PM
CBDTPA legislation:
"Class, Get Out Your Pens. To tide you over until I have enough consistent internet access to resume full-time blogging, here's a letter you can send to your elected officials regarding the CBDTPA . It was inspired by Aaron Schwartz's letter (he gets full credit for this), and you should feel free to modify it to add your own thoughts..." [The Shifted Librarian]